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Baldurs ECU Support

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  1. Introduction to Baldurs Control Systems
  2. PNPECU Solutions Reference information
  3. Special Topics
  4. Fuel Injection
  5. Tables, curves and values related to the fuel calibration
  6. Reference material
  7. Contact PNPECU

Introduction to Baldurs Control Systems

PNECU uses Baldurs LPC4 and LPC8 gasoline ECUs for its PNP kits. In some cases, the LPC4 is all that is required for instance for older Motronic systems that only had two injector outputs and a single ignition output, such as Motronic 1.0, 1.1 and 1.3 for example. But for sequentially injected engines with six cylinders or more a LPC8 will be used such as M50, M52, S50, S54, M60, M62 etc as well as for any drive by wire engine a LPC8 is required.

Baldurs ECUs have very well developed and comprehensive software / firmware and so there isn´t a lot that the ECU doesn´t already support natively for almost any occasion and for any new scenario the user defined functions should take care of it, and if that isn´t enough then the ECU supports the user writing their own completely new strategy from scratch so that it does exactly as the user wants. This page will try and explain how to go about adjusting each strategy. Since these are PNP kits all OEM functionality will already be setup and pre-configured as well as is possible based on the available ECUs input and outputs.

PNPECU Solutions Reference information

BMW E30 S14 PNP Reference manual
BMW E30 S14 PNP WIKI - With further information


BMW BCS LPC8 M60 PNP WIKI V4 - combined warmup and post start fuel increase

BMW BCS LPC4 M20 and M30 Motronic 1.3 PNP WIKI V2

BMW BCS LPC8 M20 and M30 Motronic 1.3 PNP WIKI V5

Special Topics

Some topics do not apply to all PNP kits as the relevant inputs are not available in all vehicles.

Base maps are updated as improvements are developed.

Main topics:
Fuel injection
• Ignition advance control
• Datalogging
• Idle control
• Boost control
• Vanos control
• Electric throttle control / Drive-by-wire
• Assigning a output pin to a output function
• Assigning an analog input pin to a sensor function
• Assigning a digital input pin to a sensor/logical function
• combined warmup and post start fuel increase

Advanced topics:
• Antilag - off throttle turbo control
• Launch control - on throttle turbo control as well as engine speed control
• Traction control - torque output control to maintain
• Shift cut

Fuel Injection

The ECU can use either fuel mass setup or volumetric efficiency setup. Both are equally accurate and so which type is used is up to the user or his tuners preference. Each method can further use one or more input sources to derive the current engine load, engine speed is always part of the fuel calculation

Fuelling calculation methods
• Fuel mass - Fuel target mass is taken directly from the main fuel table and modified based on coolant temp, air temp etc
• Volumetric efficiency - Fuel target mass is derived from some base settings (engine size, injector flow rate) and sensor inputs

Load variables
• Throttle angle - alone this is called Alpha-N, where Alpha is the throttle angle and N represents engine speed
• Manifold pressure - alone this is called speed density, where the manifold pressure and engine speed are used together.
• Airflow meter - alone this provides volume flow into the engine and must be adjusted based on air temperature to get mass flow
• Massflow meter - alone the mass flow meter provides the ECU with direct mass flow information- combined warmup and post start fuel increase.

Each of the above load methods can be combined to produce a hybrid strategy. As an example, a turbocharged engine with individual throttle bodies would use throttle angle and manifold pressure together to arrive at the correct airflow.

Custom airflow strategies can also be accomplished like throttle mass flow where a pressure sensor before and after the throttle body and engine speed are directly used to calculate the mass flow.

Tables, curves and values related to the fuel calibration

Use CTRL+F in Calibrator to search for these variables if you are unable to locate them in the tree structure
Primary fuel table
Secondary fuel multiplier - for hybrid strategies
Lambda target
Long term learning - the ECU incorporates long term learning to aid in achieving the correct lambda target.
Injection angle map - Can be important when extremely large injectors have been installed for drivability and fuel economy
Fuelling mode - Fuel mass or Volumetric Efficiency
Engine displacement
Number of cylinders
Primary injector outputs
Lambda sensor bank assigment by injector output - important if there are more than one Lambda sensor
Global fuel multiplier - allows direct adjustment of the end output fuelling, can be handy in the beginning to get the engine running near its ultimate target.
Warmup-up fuel multiplier - combined warmup and post start fuel increase
Cranking fuel quantity - fuel injected during starting , based on throttle and cranking speed
Cranking fuel coolant temperature modifier - adjusts the cranking fuel based on current coolant temperature
Charge air density temperature multiplier - used to compensate for different intake air temps
Air temperature enrichment - Lambda target adjustment, ie if you want it to run richer above some air temp threshold
Coolant temperature enrichment - Lambda target adjustment, ie if you want it to run rich when cold
Transient fuelling - acceleration enrichment
Overrun fuel cut
Closed loop - closed loop fuel injection adjustment to reach the current lambda target
Air mass strategy parameters - Ethanol flex fuel setup

Reference material

• Homepage - http://www.controls.is
• ECU Reference manuals - https://controls.is/manuals/
• Latest Calibrator software revision download - https://controls.is/calibrator
• Baldurs Youtube channel - https://www.youtube.com/user/TurboBaldur
• Baldurs Facebook group for his ECUs - https://www.facebook.com/groups/632891297050070/

If you get stuck with any of these items, please contact us for support .

Contact PNPECU

You may use our contact page to get further help.

Last change 18.04.2024, 21:48:28

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