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Making Of

The dyno was a joint design effort but relied heavily on seeing what others have done before us when it comes to making your own hub dyno. Our dyno is straight forward and easy to use.

The hub dyno we built is extremely compact when compared to some other ones out there, it utilizes a very robust and easy to use dyno controller from SportDevices.

In the future the dyno will be upgraded to offer 4wd capability.

Hub dyno specifications

- Torque holding capacity - 1500Nm at the engine
- Power holding capacity - 1500Hp at the engine
- Brakes - Telma CFK-300 (2800Nm)
- Fans - 11Kw radiator cooling fan providing ~45000 m3/hr air to the front face of the vehicle. Fresh air fan providing ~45000m3/hr to the front of the dyno facility.
- Controller - SportDevices SP6 4WD - 8 analog inputs, 8 thermocouple inputs, tacho input and lots more.

Why we use a hub dyno

A hub dyno was chosen for its main selling point which is there can not be any discrepancies in readings due to strapping methods, tire pressures, tire to roller grip, tire to roller deformation.

SportDevices has provided great support and comes highly recommended by GSTuning.

Dyno in Action

Pictures of the dyno creation

© Frank Kirchhoff, Spenge Imprint Data Protection